Welcome to Astrology Matters, I’m so glad your here!
Astrology is more than the study of universal energy—it’s a powerful tool for personal empowerment, professional development and business transformation. At the heart of my work is the knowledge that each of us carries a unique energy map called a horoscope. When we understand how to navigate that map, we open ourselves to a much deeper understanding of who we are.
I focus on helping my clients tap into and understand their energy patterns to live more purposefully, align with universal principles, and manifest their unique talents.
My Passion for Astrology
I’m Helen Hartley, the founder of Astrology Matters and a consulting astrologer with over 45 years of experience in this fascinating, transformative and intriguing field. Over the past four decades, I’ve had the opportunity to help many, many, many individuals understand how their energy maps work, enabling them to have a greater understanding of themselves and align with the energetic flow of the universe. Over the years, I have taught astrology to others and shared many insights through numerous presentations to the public and other astrology professionals – The Gallery.
Our Conversations
We will have conversations that enable you to unlock your potential, be in flow with life’s opportunities, develop strategies to mitigate challenges and enhance your understanding of your place in the world. My philosophy is about empowering you to manage and succeed in your life proactively. Through astrology, we’ll examine your unique energy maps and help you become the best version of yourself.
This is an ongoing dynamic process that reflects the continuous development and flow of energy that harmonizes with the universal influences in our lives; rather than being a one-time assessment (like a static map), real and in-depth astrology functions as an evolving guide that recognizes and understands how energy patterns change over time and influence the energies available to you at any point in time.
Everything is connected!
The universe’s perpetual motion influences you every minute of every day! Let’s consider some ways this energy works.
- My profession is rooted in understanding and interpreting the constantly shifting movements of the Sun, Moon, and Planets. This means universal energy influences individuals, relationships, and environments that are always changing. Birth charts (natal charts) provide the foundation for how you are ‘hard-wired. ‘ As life evolves, this energy changes as the planets move (transit) and change their position relative to your birth, forming new connections (aspects). This creates a living, breathing “energy map” that’s never static.
- Just like personal growth is ongoing, astrology reflects how a person’s life unfolds over time. Transits, progressions, and cycles (like a Saturn return, Jupiter’s 12-year cycle, or Lunar phase or an Eclipse) continuously bring different energies that will coincide with growth and challenges, create lessons to be learnt, and opportunities to connect with your higher self and achieve success. Each stage of life activates different energy within the birth chart, offering fresh perspectives for growth. This allows for a dynamic self-understanding that adapts as you evolve.
- My professional focus is personal empowerment, professional development, and business transformation. We evaluate and review the best action, timing, and way forward for key decisions and life direction. By mapping current energy patterns and aligning them to your unique birth horoscope, you gain insight into the best times to act, reflect, and grow. The ” mapping ” process can help you attune to these changes and recalibrate your actions, mindset, or focus. This is called being in flow. Being in flow helps you adapt to external circumstances while integrating these ever-changing energy patterns, enabling you to maximize your potential.
- The horoscope is an ongoing, adaptable tool that aligns well with the modern philosophy that ‘everything is energy’. In this view, personal energy continuously interacts with universal energy, and astrology offers a framework to understand and harness this interaction in real time. This makes astrology extremely relevant for personal and professional development and innovative businesses committed to their success.
- The current quality of time is reflected in your birth chart throughout life, as new experiences and circumstances will unlock different aspects of the chart’s potential. For example, what may have seemed irrelevant in your younger years might become highly significant during adulthood. Astrology can be used to forecast, reflect on past decisions, see patterns, and gain insight into future potentials. Viewing astrology as an ongoing dynamic process becomes a valuable tool for continuous growth, fluid decision-making, and personal empowerment.
Your horoscope gets to the heart of how you are ‘mapped’ energetically’ more accurately than any other process I have experienced or observed. Our methods cut through to core drivers and issues more quickly, which means clients can move to work with issues, maximise opportunities, become unstuck, and stay in flow.
The other most powerful gift of astrology is timing. No other discipline does this with the same level of precision. We must understand that no matter how much we want movement in or out of a particular situation, it simply won’t happen until the time is right.
I understand that you can’t make deals with the universe! Sometimes, life feels like swimming through treacle, and other times, you will feel like you are in perfect synch or flow with the universe’s energy. The secret is knowing!
Astrology will expand your consciousness as you come to terms with who you are, what you believe, and how you might contribute to and find your place in the world. Understanding creates acceptance. Acceptance of self creates empowerment. Empowerment becomes a platform for continuous growth and evolution.
Understanding how your unique energy patterns work can become your superpower!