Pluto cycle is approximately 248 years

The Principle of Transformation – Life, Death and Rebirth

Pluto energy is rarely direct yet it must be confronted, acknowledged and change must take place at the most fundamental level. You will often try to control the events that surround you but with Pluto transits, that wont work. Its energy seeks to break down structures for the purpose of renewal. The more you attempt control circumstances the more challenging the situation becomes. This is not a time to do a quick fix or put a band aid on the situation as the pressures will have built up to the point where that is not possible and a complete rebuild is required. Major transformations in life can be attributed to Pluto. 

When Pluto makes contact with parts of you horoscope, you will find yourself getting involved in power struggles: you may be the perpetrator or the victim. You may become obsessed with achieving a particular goal, having your own way The degree of ease or difficulty you feel will be directly proportional to the level of resistance you act out. As they say in the classics, resistance is useless! You are required to  delve down into the depths of your psyche, soul and being. You need to be prepared, at your deepest level of consciousness, to make lasting change. The wonderful thing about Pluto energy is that while you are experiencing deep transformation change, this energy will also provide the tenacity for you to get through it. This energy patter demands that we see things as they really are and clear out the unnecessary clutter from those things that prevent our growth. Be aware that this energy pattern can surround you, of and on, for up to five years. This speaks of endurance!

It is said that Pluto is the higher octave of Mars.  It has all the dynamic energy of Mars yet it is even more powerful in its influence. Mars rushes in, Pluto is much more measured and then strikes with an overwhelming force that takes control.