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Mars energy moves from Gemini to Cancer on Sept 5

Mars energy moves rapidly through your horoscope taking approximately 22 – 24 months to complete one cycle. This cycle is repeated every 22 – 24 months from the time you are born until you die!

Transits of Mars

Transits of Mars are different than the natal placement of Mars and you will need to check with your astrologer with respect to the Mars placement in your birth horoscope. Mars has natural rulership over Aries and Scorpio although the energy will manifest itself differently in each of these signs. Mars in a fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) is capable of great achievements as it is assertive and often demonstrates leadership qualities. In earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) it will be more practical and provides one with tremendous tenacity to achieve their goals. The air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) Mars shows its sociable nature however it also suggests the energy may be too scattered, that is to say: too many irons in the fire. Mars in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) will act through emotions and very often they have to ‘feel’ like doing something before they do it alternatively it has to ‘feel’ right.

Mars through the Houses

As Mars transits each house (departments of life), the affairs of that house come into focus. There will be more activity in this house. Mars can also represent conflict within this department of life, and you may find conflicts surface.
Mars energy needs to be expressed in a constructive way and some good hard physical activity to dissipate the energy has the effect of grounding you.
Getting what you want is the energy of Mars. The way in which you assert who you are and how you act is the activity of Mars. Anger, aggression is attributed to Mars and the ancients called Mars the God of war! Mars also rules surgery
Its highest expression is that of assertiveness and leadership of others, at its lowest expression, argumentativeness, bad tempered and violent.