Recruitment and Astrology

Getting recruitment wrong can cost your business a lot! The cost of employee turnover can significantly impact your business and bottom line. The cost of replacing an employee will vary depending on the size of your business and the industry that you are in. However, we generally work with 30-150% of the individual salary.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) tells us that we are experiencing one of the lowest employment rates of mobility since 2012. Notably, 9.5% of the workforce change jobs in the year ending February 2022. This high number may have been attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused employees to think about what was important to them. Working from home (WFH) also took a tremendous hold over employee populations. Most staff want to continue to WFT in varying combinations, and if their employer is not agreeable, they have moved on. It’s an employee’s market. This may change, however, not in the foreseeable future.

Astrology’s Place in the Recruitment Process?

Typically, this process will form the second part of your recruitment process for short-listed candidates. The candidate will have already been rigorously and thoroughly screened for appropriate job knowledge, skills, relative experience, and suitable qualifications. Having had contact with the candidate during this process, you will have formed an opinion and decided whether to proceed to the next level.

In many jurisdictions, as it is against the law to ask for age-related data, the organisation would provide Astrology Matters with a list of your shortlisted candidates, and we would contact them directly. All we ask from them is their birthdate, as this is enough information for us to provide a significant overview of the information outlined in the following section.

The birthdate provided to astrology matters will be used for astrological synthesis and not be shared with the client.  This supports the client’s anonymity from an age perspective and alleviates the possibility of candidates claiming age discrimination.

Astrology – Benefits in the Recruitment Process?

From the date of birth, horoscope information provides a non-judgemental filter of various areas within which to consider candidates. Examples are yet not limited to:

  • core strengths and challenges
  • instinctual responses – what nurtures them,
  • thinking and communication styles
  • relationships and values – collaboration
  • motivation – achievement orientation
  • current and timing of current life cycles and any underlying themes and circumstances.

Interviewers are provided with a comprehensive Interview Guide containing relevant interview questions developed from the chart analysis.

We believe you will be pleasantly surprised about the value of tailoring questions that enable you to decide about the candidate’s fit to your organisation.

Our process is about determining the candidates fit for your organisation from a soft skills perspective.

There is nothing worse than going through the recruitment process, thinking you have hired someone with the knowledge, skills, experience and qualifications (hard skills) only to find out they did not fit your organisation because of their lack of soft skills.

We call them people skills and they involve communication, teamwork, and leadership. Remember that leadership can come from any level in an organisation and organisations need people with highly effective people skills to connect, change and transform the workplace!

Please contact Helen for more information.