Relationships: The Biggest Mystery of Them All
Most times we use horoscopes to identify our individual strengths, weaknesses, potential and limitations however there is much more that we can utilise astrology for. The area of relationships is one such area and in astrological language, this study is called Synastry. You have probably seen very simple attempts at sun sign comparisons that are supposed to indicate your compatibility with another. This is an over-simplistic way of looking at potential relationships. The serious study of astrology acknowledges that there is much, much more to a person than their sun-sign and to consider them with less than the whole picture sells them short.
We experience many types of relationships in our daily lives: lover, friend, parent, child, teacher, mentor, coach, boss, colleague, and business partner to mention a few. All these relationships will differ in their purpose, duration, energy, and quality. The way in which energy is connected and exchanged will define the purpose, duration, and quality of the relationship. Understanding the purpose of a relationship is beneficial along with understanding the mechanics of how the relationship works. What is particularly useful is how to maximise the good stuff and make the challenging aspects work for us.
As previously identified, there are many types of relationships however, I find most people are concerned about attracting the right life partner, how they get along better with their current partner or love interest in order to deepen their connection.
In romantic relationships there, according to one of the masters of synastry, Sargent (1970, pg. 13-18), there are two essential elements: attraction and endurability. Sargent defines attraction as drawn by some winning influence, charm allure, to entice, to win…if you are attracted to another person, you are interested, curious, have a friendly feeling and are disposed to look with favour on that person. [He states] you’ll pursue and encourage acquaintanceship… [Then] we have the basis for romance. Naturally, attraction is the first step in a relationship. If there is no attraction most people won’t explore it further. Some relationships, whilst making us feel good are not destined for permanency; this is reflected in the horoscope. For the relationship to be considered long-lasting another set of energy exchanges come into play. Very often these additional connections can be challenging yet they provide the basis for personal growth and relationship endurability.
In judging a Love/Marriage relationship chart there are no less than 26 possible connections that suggest attraction exists. Not all these need to be present however the greater the number the more likely the attraction. Many people ask, ‘What type of person should I look for? Although not as simple as providing a sun sign like Gemini or Leo, the astrologer can quite accurately give comments on what the individual finds attractive and what they are looking for in a mate. Endurability requires other combinations and explains why we find some people very attractive, yet the relationship never seems to get past first base!
Would you like to know more about the relationships in your life? Please contact Helen here