Self Discovery
Astrology & Self-Discovery
The practice of astrology has been around in some form since the beginning of time. Humans have always looked 'beyond' to find greater purpose and meaning in their lives. Sometimes, they go to more unorthodox…

Mercury Retrograde Mess
This is a real story about a comedy of errors during a Mercury Retrograde. This information has been used with permission and some information has been modified to protect the individual’s identity...
You would not believe the issues that…

Relationships – Making them work
Relationships - Making them work
We experience many types of relationships in our daily lives: lover, friend, parent, child, teacher, mentor, coach, boss, colleague, and business partners just to mention a few.
All these relationships differ…

Clearing the Clutter during Chinese New Year
Clearing the Clutter During Chinese New Year
The lunar calendar sets the Chinese New Year and consequently, the dates of the Chinese New Year change every year. Generally, it occurs between January 21 and February 20. The Chinese New Year 2020…

Astrological Coaching
Astrological Coaching uses the benefit of timing to achieve your personal and professional goals.
Coaches work with clients using specific dialogue that enables goals to be clearly articulated and pathways for success to be developed.

Second Adulthood – Saturn Return (56-58)
For some time, you have been confronted with your fading youth. You’re not old but you’re no longer young and you are beginning to experience your second adulthood. Probably from the mid-forties which coincides with another significant astrological…

Saturn and The Seven Year Itch !
There are many different cycles that astrologers look to when explaining unique development patterns to clients. Each has their own unique timing, lessons to learn and quality of experience to integrate. This…

Cancer Themes
The Sun officially moves into Cancer today following the winter solstice which in the southern hemisphere is the shortest day of the year.
Mercury also moves from Gemini into Cancer which means we should note the change in flavour…

Relationships – Attraction & Longevity
Relationships have their own rhythm, their own karma and we learn lessons from those people that we attract into our lives. Unfortunately, I see so many people who seem desperate to be involved in relationships that they jump in straight away…